Thursday, March 7, 2013


As times goes on teenagers stress levels are getting higher and higher. Teenagers have a lot to deal with during their high school years. Between parents, teachers, school work, and after school activities like work and sports a teenagers stress level can be extremely high. First off school can cause a lot of stress on its own. Teachers don't always understand that homework can get really overwhelmingly when you have it every night for every class. Sometimes you have to work on big projects even when you have other homework. It gets hard to worry about homework when you have your own personal work to do at home. Some parents give chores to be completed over the week and if you don't get them done then your grounded and know one wants to be grounded. Parents also expect us to be involved in sports or extra curricular activities that can take up a lot of our free time between practices every day or up to three times a week not including games or matches. Besides sports parents also expect us teenagers to start paying for our own things and be responsible and get a job. So now we have homework, chores, sports, and work to worry about, but also getting good grades and applying for colleges. With all that being said I hope you starting see just how stressed teenagers can be. With that being said I think parents and teachers should be a little more understandings and realize how much stress they are putting on teenagers.

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